Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Voters Eager for Republicans to Announce Actual Candidate

With the general election fast approaching, polls show voters more than ready for Republicans to announce who they are actually running against current president Barack Obama. “Romney’s nice and all,” says Megan Grimer, 43, of Ohio, “but seriously, who’s running? I’d like to know before I vote.”

This election season has seen Republicans swing wildly from candidate to candidate. Romney’s run has been the longest; Republicans have gone so far as to actually nominate him at their official convention. However, voters have continued to lack enthusiasm for Romney, calling him “bland” and even “robotic.” “Romney’s run has been a nice dress rehearsal for the real candidate, but he’s starting to wear out his welcome,” says Chris Park, 32, of Florida. “It’s been a suspenseful year, but now the race is nearly over. I can’t wait until the Republicans unveil their final choice.”

When asked for comment on their real choice for the presidency, Republican party leaders responded as they have for the past four years: “We’re working on it.”

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